Development Delayed

In the last couple of months, I’ve not only been way too busy to do anything with this, but I’ve also become much more aware of the larger picture in the crypto-scene, and I currently feel like people would think that this is a Scam coin, rather than just a bit of Star Trek related fun.

I’m in two minds (melded) about what to do with this project now. Certainly the crowd is very much divided over the concept of pre-mining, which seemed to me to be quite a reasonable thing to do as long as it wasn’t excessive. Some hold that it’s OK as long as the pre-mine is used to float the project, others hold that it’s cheating, whilst still others see it as a sure sign that the coin has been created for a single purpose; that of dumping on the exchange for BTC at the very first opportunity.

And that brings me to another thought, why are all the exchanges enforcing the dominance of BTC?

In the real world, you can freely exchange any currency with any currency, you don’t have to trade your Rubles for USD so you can then by Rupee’s with them.

I think what the crypto world needs really badly is an exchange where you can trade any crypto against any crypto, and any crypto against any Fiat.    Got some MOON and want to sell them for DOGE? Or how about you want to sell some 42 for Franko’s? Or what about cashing your Argentum in for some Peso’s?

In the meantime whilst I’m thinking about all this, the crypto world is evolving, and I’m busy with work; my latest creation is the official website for the Innovator 2014 event being held in Abu Dhabi this weekend. (

With any luck I will also win the contract for that development next year, and it would be really cool to attend it as an innovator to show off my brand new internet currency… whatever it will be called.


By spockbucks

Copyright … hrm

On the thread someone just mentioned the issue of copyright.

I guess yes it’s true the Character Spock is copyrighted, but then TPTB have pretty much deemed crypto-currencies are not real currency or legal tender and thus using them doesn’t come under the category of commerce.

Besides, Paramount would have a very hard time suing anyone over it given the anoymous nature of Crypto-currencies, and if they try it will serve to catapult Spock Bucks and Cryptos in general into the mainstream. I can imagine an army of Trekkers / Trekkies (whatever your preference) protesting if Spock Bucks was attacked by the big bad corporate bullies.

Besides, isn’t the whole movement about sticking it to the man? (oh dear, is that catchphrase also copyright owned by Jack Black?) I see no reason why the Banksters should be the only ones to feel the Wrath of Satoshi!

And more to the point, Spock is a cultural icon, I can understand the need for the copyright owners to protect their interests in preventing the character being plagiarized in the same industry, but Spock Bucks are a totally different kettle of fish and if anything their existence as a fan made collectible item simply increases the value of the intellectual property asset.

Failing all logic and wisdom, if the man does come after me, at least I’m not in the USA! Nerrr Nerrrr!

+0.1 jazarja
+0.1 EmoneyRu
+0.1 XylemUP
+0.1 CatQuarks  <— current richest Spock Buck holder with a total of 0.2 Spocks!  (could be the easiest 20 BTC you’ve ever made, you never know…)

(1889.4 PM Spocks remain)


By spockbucks

Spock Bucks thread moved

A polite little request to the moderators of the forum and the Spock Bucks main thread has now been moved to the alternative coins section.

The thread can be found here :

Two more people have earned +0.1 PM Spocks for giving logical responses!

There usernames are : CatQuarks and MisO69

1889.7 PM Spocks remain up for grabs for helping out with and supporting this project!

By spockbucks

Well it’s off to an interesting start already.

Despite being stuck posting in the “Newbie” category on there has already been a couple of responses.

The first was a naysayer who argued the logic is flawed and it’s out of order to do any sort of pre-mining, even 0.1% of which 90% is to be given away to people who help out with making this happen. My argument back is that he will simply have to use his graphics cards to run the free software and get his free money then, whilst I and everyone else who actually does any real work on this will share in the tiny fractional pre-mine reserve.

Speaking of that, the next poster was a lot more positive and I think it’s appropriate to give him the very first promise of a spock buck premine payout. I only have 1890 Spocks to distribute and I want to make sure anyone who contributes strongly will get a good reward for doing so, so I think I will state here that the user by the name of “Mystery-Man” will receive 0.1 Spocks when they are launched. There you have it, it’s on public record, if and when Spocks are launched that sum will become owed, and he will be paid.

1889.9 Spocks left to distribute, who is going to earn some for helping next?

Read the thread here :

By spockbucks

Spock Bucks Crypto Currency Concept

Hi All,

I have decided to build a new crypto currency called Spock Bucks and on this blog I will be keeping a record of how the project is progressing.

First of all I will be following the instructions here :

I’ve created a GitHub account for the project here :

If you have any ideas or just want to say hi,  you can reach me at

Live long and Prosper!



By spockbucks