Copyright … hrm

On the thread someone just mentioned the issue of copyright.

I guess yes it’s true the Character Spock is copyrighted, but then TPTB have pretty much deemed crypto-currencies are not real currency or legal tender and thus using them doesn’t come under the category of commerce.

Besides, Paramount would have a very hard time suing anyone over it given the anoymous nature of Crypto-currencies, and if they try it will serve to catapult Spock Bucks and Cryptos in general into the mainstream. I can imagine an army of Trekkers / Trekkies (whatever your preference) protesting if Spock Bucks was attacked by the big bad corporate bullies.

Besides, isn’t the whole movement about sticking it to the man? (oh dear, is that catchphrase also copyright owned by Jack Black?) I see no reason why the Banksters should be the only ones to feel the Wrath of Satoshi!

And more to the point, Spock is a cultural icon, I can understand the need for the copyright owners to protect their interests in preventing the character being plagiarized in the same industry, but Spock Bucks are a totally different kettle of fish and if anything their existence as a fan made collectible item simply increases the value of the intellectual property asset.

Failing all logic and wisdom, if the man does come after me, at least I’m not in the USA! Nerrr Nerrrr!

+0.1 jazarja
+0.1 EmoneyRu
+0.1 XylemUP
+0.1 CatQuarks  <— current richest Spock Buck holder with a total of 0.2 Spocks!  (could be the easiest 20 BTC you’ve ever made, you never know…)

(1889.4 PM Spocks remain)


By spockbucks

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