
Well it’s off to an interesting start already.

Despite being stuck posting in the “Newbie” category on there has already been a couple of responses.

The first was a naysayer who argued the logic is flawed and it’s out of order to do any sort of pre-mining, even 0.1% of which 90% is to be given away to people who help out with making this happen. My argument back is that he will simply have to use his graphics cards to run the free software and get his free money then, whilst I and everyone else who actually does any real work on this will share in the tiny fractional pre-mine reserve.

Speaking of that, the next poster was a lot more positive and I think it’s appropriate to give him the very first promise of a spock buck premine payout. I only have 1890 Spocks to distribute and I want to make sure anyone who contributes strongly will get a good reward for doing so, so I think I will state here that the user by the name of “Mystery-Man” will receive 0.1 Spocks when they are launched. There you have it, it’s on public record, if and when Spocks are launched that sum will become owed, and he will be paid.

1889.9 Spocks left to distribute, who is going to earn some for helping next?

Read the thread here :

By spockbucks